Most funds follow a particular strategey when investing. For instance, some invest only in Blue Chip companies that are more established and are relatively low risk. On the other hand, some focus on high-risk start up companies that have the potential for double and triple digit growth. Finding a mutual fund that fits your investment criteria and style is important.
Types of mutual funds are:
Value stocks
Stocks from firms with relative low Price to Earning (P/E) Ratio,is usually expected to pay good dividends. The investor is looking for income rather than capital gains.
Growth stock
Stocks from firms with higher low Price to Earning (P/E) Ratio, usually pay small dividends. The investor is looking for capital gains rather than is based on the company’s size .
Income stock
The investor is looking for income which usually comes from dividends or interest. These stocks are from firms which pay relative high dividends. This fund may include bonds which pay high dividends. This fund is much like the value stock fund, but accepts a little more risk and is not limited to stocks.
Index funds
The securities in this fund are the same as in an Index fund such as the Dow Jones Average or Standard and Poor’s. The number and ratios or securities are maintained by the fund manager to mimic the Index fund it is following.
Enhanced index
This is an index fund which has been modified by either adding value or reducing volatility through selective stock-picking.
Stock market sector
The securities in this fund are chosen from a particular marked sector such as Aerospace, retail, utilities, etc.
Defensive stock
The securities in this fund are chosen from a stock which do not have any impact of by economic down turns.
these are the stocks from international firms.
Real estate
Stocks from firms involved in real estate such as builder, supplier, architects and engineers, financial lenders, etc.
Socially responsible
This fund would invests according to non-economic guidelines. Funds may make investments based on such issues as environmental responsibility, human rights, or religious views. For example, socially responsible funds may take a proactive stance by selectively investing in environmentally-friendly companies or firms with good employee relations. Therefore the fund would avoid securities from firms who profit from alcohol, tobacco, gambling, pornography etc.
Balanced funds
The investor may wish to balance his risk between various sectors such as asset size, income or growth. Therefore the fund is a balance between various attributes desired.
Tax efficient
Aims to minimize tax bills, such as keeping turnover levels low or shying away from companies that provide dividends, which are regular payouts in cash or stock that are taxable in the year that they are received. These funds still shoot for solid returns; they just want less of them showing up on the tax returns.
Bonds or Preferred stock which may be converted into common stock.
Junk bond
Bonds which pay higher that market interest, but carry higher risk for failure and are rated below AAA.
Mutual funds of mutual funds
This funds that specializes in buying shares in other mutual funds rather than individual securities.
Closed end
This fund has a fixed number of shares. The value of the shares fluctuates with the market, but fund manager has less influence because the price of the underlining owned securities has greater influence.
Exchange traded funds (ETFs)
Baskets of securities (stocks or bonds) that track highly recognized indexes. Similar to mutual funds, except that they trade the same way that a stock trades, on a stock exchange.
This blog is really nice and informative.thanks for the sharing type of mutual fund.