1.) Forget the news, remember the chart. You’re not smart enough to know how news will affect the price. The chart already knows the news is coming.
2.) Buy the first pullback from a new high. Sell the first pullback from a new low. There’s always a crowd that missed the first boat.
3.)Buy at support, sell at resistance. Everyone sees the same thing and they’re all just waiting to jump in the pool.
4.)Short rallies not selloffs. When markets drop, shorts finally turn a profit and get ready to cover.
5.) Don’t buy up into a major moving average or sell down into one.
6.)Don’t chase momentum if you can’t find the exit. Assume the market will reverse the minute you get in. If it’s a long way to the door, you’re in big trouble.
7.) Exhaustion gaps get filled. Breakaway and continuation gaps don’t. The old traders’ wisdom is a lie. Trade in the direction of gap support whenever you can.
8.)Trends test the point of last support/resistance. Enter here even if it hurts.
9.)Trade with the TICK not against it. Don’t be a hero. Go with the money flow.
10.)Beat the crowd in and out the door. You have to take their money before they take yours, period