Stock options offer investors limited downside in pursuing speculative trading strategies. Stock options also offer the ability to hedge existing positions and to minimize risk. Stock options are important in many advanced trading activities. Investors can make money as both a call writer or a call seller depending on market conditions. Stock options enjoy great leverage with a … [Read more...]
What are the Types of Corporate Stock?
Stocks is an instrument that signifies an ownership position (called equity) in a corporation, and represents a claim on its proportional share in the corporation's assets and profits.It represent shares of ownership in a company. A company can issue several classes of stock, and they are grouped into either the common stock class or preferred stock class. Each class has its … [Read more...]
Bonds Are Safer Than Stock
Many investors during the period of downturn in the market prefer to sell stocks and buy bonds. This practise is known as a "flight to quality" -- when investors move from riskier investments to safer ones. Bonds are indeed consider to be a safer security than stocks, and understand the fact behind it , one must understand the concept of these two . Definition Stocks are a … [Read more...]
Mutual Funds ; Gives You a Regular Income
Investing your money in mutual funds is a wise move especially for your long term goals. There are different types available in the market. One of these is the income mutual funds whereby the investor gets an income on a monthly or quarterly basis. Other types focus mostly on capital growth instead of this type or they opt for a combination of both. When you want to invest for … [Read more...]
Ways of Making Money In A Bullish Market
Making money in the stock market is hard enough but trying to make money in a declining market can sometimes be even harder. Here are some tips on how you can still make money during a bullish market times. Puts. Puts are a stock option that you buy in hopes that the stock of your choice will decline over a short amount of time. Once it reaches the strike price and falls … [Read more...]