How to Make Smart Investments Are you planning to invest your hard earned cash wisely ? here are few steps , which may guide you to invest wisely and making your investment profitable : You won't get rich overnight.You have to work for the "real" money. A house can't be built overnight. You can't lose weight overnight. You can't make it rich overnight Make sure you … [Read more...]
Safe and best investment option :Mutual Funds
Mutual funds can be a good investment as long as you remember a few things: 1. Don't pay someone to recommend a mutual fund. You can do a little research and find the best mutual funds for you and you aren't paying a commission to do it. 2. Make sure you understand the "expense ratio" of a mutual fund. Basically, this is what it will cost you to have this mutual fund. There … [Read more...]
How to Calculate Income for investment
Income for investment can come from a number of sources, such as dividends, capital gains, interest payments and any other return made from an investment. With discipline, it is possible to grow your savings into a moderate investment portfolio with a large annual investment income. How to Calculate Investment Income Gather your information. Pull together all paperwork … [Read more...]
Calculate your Interest Rate Using Present & Future Value
When you are considering an investment, you want to know what rate of return an investment will give you. Some investments promise a fixed cost and a fixed payment at some point in the future. For example, a bond may cost $500 with the promise that $700 will be repaid 10 years in the future. Another bond may cost $600 with the promise that $900 will be repaid 15 years in the … [Read more...]
Mutual Funds ; Gives You a Regular Income
Investing your money in mutual funds is a wise move especially for your long term goals. There are different types available in the market. One of these is the income mutual funds whereby the investor gets an income on a monthly or quarterly basis. Other types focus mostly on capital growth instead of this type or they opt for a combination of both. When you want to invest for … [Read more...]