The Fosback Index,was created by Normal Fosback, has fallen out of favor in recent years. but it is a quick and easy tool that belongs in every mutual fund investor's toolbox. The Fosback Index measures the cash holdings or liquidity of mutual funds against the normal levels. Zero = Neutral Positive = Extra cash. The more positive the more bullish. Negative = Deficit … [Read more...]
Absolute vs. Relative Return
Absolute return is simply the return on a particular asset, portfolio or investment. The return that an asset achieves over a certain period of time. This measure looks at the appreciation or depreciation (expressed as a percentage) that an asset - usually a stock or a mutual fund - achieves over a given period of time. Relative return is the difference between the absolute … [Read more...]
Predictability and Trends in stock market
I often hear people swear that they make money using the rules of technical analysis. Do they really? The answer, , is that they do. People make money and profit indeed by using all sorts of strategies and techniques . The real question is: Do they make more money than they would investing in a blind index fund that mimics the performance of the market as a whole? Do they … [Read more...]
fundamentals of stock trade
Forward Dealing / Trading it is a Contracts to buy or sell specific quantities of goods, currency, or freight at a stated price and time in the future. the buyers who wish to cover themselves against price fluctuations, and sellers who wish to benefit from them make this contract . Forward contracts are bought and sold in the future market . Forward Delivery A contract in … [Read more...]