A foreclosure can be reported on your credit report for almost 7 years and should be avoided at all costs. A foreclosure can be devastating to your credit scores. If you have a foreclosure on your record, credit repair should be one of the very first things you look into. A foreclosure can be deleted from your credit report just like any other negative account, but you must … [Read more...]
Tips and Warnings regarding Foreclosures
The reason for a home foreclosure is due to a default in payments and violation of policies of lenders. First of all, you need to be aware that a mortgage lender can foreclose your home for two reasons. The first one is defaulting on your payments. Generally, lenders will issue a Notice of Default if you miss three mortgage payments consecutively. Another possible ground for … [Read more...]
How To Avoid Foreclosure ?
What is a Foreclosure? Foreclosure is the legal and professional proceeding in which a mortgagee, or other lien holder, usually a lender, obtains a court ordered termination of a mortgagor's equitable right of redemption. Usually a lender obtains a security interest from a borrower who mortgages or pledges an asset like a house to secure the loan. If the borrower defaults and … [Read more...]