The government should give option to investors in small savings scheme to convert their investment at the time of maturity to equity of public sector units to reduce its interest liability and rein in fiscal deficit, industry body Assocham has said. The option would provide investors with a better avenue for … [Read more...]
The Effects of Financial Leverage
Financial leverage is one of the best ways in which company increases its profit is through. Financial leverage uses debt instruments so that the anticipated level return on the company's equity would increase. The level of financial leverage of a certain company is determined by getting the total value of debt and the equity and the ratio of debt. The level of financial … [Read more...]
How to Obtain Declined Equity Loan Support?
If you experienced recent decline for equity loans, you may want to perform another thorough assessment of the market, since lenders are now opening the doors to bad credit borrowers, no credit borrowers, and current home borrowers. If you were recently declined after applying for home equity loan, it probably is because you had defaults on your credit report, were lacklisted, … [Read more...]
How to Mitigate Negative Equity
What does Negative equity actually mean ? Negative equity is the difference between balance and equity. In other words, if you are applying for an equity loan and the balance owed on the home is greater than the value of the home, then this is called negative equity. One of the loans you could take out to avoid negative equity is the 100% loan, provided that the home falls … [Read more...]
What Is Equity Sharing?
Equity sharing, also known as shared ownership or in the US as housing equity partnership (HEP), allows a person to purchase a share in their home even if they cannot afford a mortgage on the whole of the current value. Equity sharing is a way to help people buy a house while making a good profit for yourself. Here is an example of how it works. With equity sharing, you get to … [Read more...]