Why Invest in Commodities? Most of us are quite comfortable with investing in cash deposits, government bonds, and stocks for conservative risk-averse investors. We hear these products discussed widely in the financial media. But rarely do we hear commodities discussed as an investment alternative. After all, what do commodities have to offer that stocks haven't already … [Read more...]
What is Trading Commodities on Margins ?
Trading Commodities on Margins – What is it All About? Most definitely in the course of your trading career, no matter how short it is, you would have heard of the term ‘margins’ in investment and market literature, and if you do not have a very focused and succinct idea on what this actually means, then this article is here to help. Trading commodities on margins is an … [Read more...]
What is Commodity Trading ?
Commodity Trading - A Brief Overview Commodity Trading is strictly speaking the trading of physical commodities - such as soyabeans, wheat, corn, gold, silver, cattle, oil etc. - or their futures contracts on the established commodity exchanges. Farmers use commodity trading to lock in favorable prices prior to an ensuing harvest. Hence, there are real commercial reasons for … [Read more...]
basics terms of shares and bonds
APPLICATION MONEY Application money is the amount that investors are asked to pay with the application for a new share issue . the amount is usually les than the full value of the shares, the remaining amount is collected at the time of allotment or per call bases. The amount an investor must pay at the time of making an application under a public offering of … [Read more...]