Unlisted Share
A share which is not registered with any stock exchange and therefore does not feature on any stock exchange list is called un listed share . These share are also very difficult to sell and carry a large degree of risk. Usually, the more exchanges at which a share is listed, the greater is its liquidity.
Unmatched Transactions
When the purchase and sales as reported by the members of a stock exchange does no match, such transactions are called unmatched transactions.
Unofficial Premium
When a new issue is on the market, but allotment of shares is yet to be made, a premium or a higher price is often put on the shares, unofficially. The unofficial premium rates are regularly published in Money Opportunities and Shree Profit.
Unsecured Debt
A debt whose promise of repayment is not supported by any of the mortgage . All company’s fixed deposits are unsecured debt.
Unsecured Debenture
A debenture against which no specific assets have been set aside to pay for, if the company can’t do so in the normal circumstances, interest or repayment of principal ahead of other creditors of the company. It is basically a loan with no protection.
Unrealized Profit or Loss
Profit or loss on one’s holding of shares which is merely the result of a book exercise, reason being unsold shares . Also called paper profit or loss.