PEGY Ratio is the variation of the price-to-earnings ratio in that a stock value evaluated in detail by its projected earnings growth rate and dividend yield. For stocks that pay a substantial dividend, the PEGY may be an even better measure than PEG. As with the PEG, keep in mind the numbers are based on future projections and, therefore, aren’t guaranteed to be accurate. It is a tool to utilize when it is in need, but not a guarantee of accuracy. It is the stocks earning divided by the projected earnings growth rate and dividend yield. It is a representative sample of the growth and projection of a company. Penny Stock -The term used to refer to low price stocks which by definition, trades for less than a dollar a share, or in the United States, the term is used for stocks that trade for five dollars or less per share. These are often traded directly between two parties and information on them can be difficult to find and the stock can be easily manipulated. These stocks are often low cost securities from small companies and frequently have a short operating history. The term penny stock can sometimes be interchanged with micro cap and small cap, but the accurate definition is based on the cost of each share.
For stocks that pay a substantial dividend, the PEGY may be an even better measure than PEG. As with the PEG, keep in mind the numbers are based on future projections and, therefore, aren’t guaranteed to be accurate.
PEGY is pronounced the same way as “peggy.”