“Inflation is the overall or specific increase in the cost of a good or service.” Inflation is when your mom or dad complains about the price they have to pay nowadays compared to what they paid when
they were a younger.
A detailed analysis of the cause of inflation is beyond the scope of this short article, but we can mention some things that tend to cause inflation.Increases in government taxes and fees can lead to inflation(especially when businesses are taxed). When the cost of business goes up, product prices go up. When prices go up your income effectively goes down. Then you have to work harder or find a better job. Or hope that your employer will give you a raise. Which then makes the business costs go up and so prices go up and so on.
Also when your personal income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, auto registration fees, etc. increase you are forced to live on less or hit the boss up for a raise. If you get your raise (and several of your co-workers also are given raises) the cost of doing business has gone up. The business will then pass the extra costs on to their customers – inflation.
Inflation can also be caused by scarcity. If there are only a 10,000 Beanie-Babies, “Tickle-Me-Elmos”, “Chicken-Dance-Elmos”, or what ever the current toy-craze is, and there are 100,000 people that want one, the price is going to go up.If mad-cow disease causes cattle ranchers to destroy large portions of their herds and there is less beef on themarket, the price of beef will go up. If interest rates go up, inflation can also result. If it costs more to borrow money, the cost of doing business has gone up and so will product and service prices.
For the most part, regular, steady inflation has little effect on our day-to-day living. Most people get a pay raise every year or every other year that either keeps pace
with inflation or helps them move a bit ahead. But when you are looking at the long run and making long term plans, inflation can have a big impact. For example if you are 30 right now, wouldn’t it be great to retire with a million dollars when you are 60. You could live on that forever. Right? Well, let’s factor in just 3% inflation for 30 years and see how much your million will buy then. After 30 years of 3% inflation, one million dollars will buy about $400,000 worth of goods and services. That’s 60% of your money gone to inflation.
So what can you do about inflation? Really nothing. It is out of your hands.
A good financial planner will understand the effects of inflation and help you plan for them. But I suspect that some less-trained “planners” (who are probably more like salespeople in a financial planner suit) tend to “forget”, ignore or don’t understand in the first place the effects of inflation.
Leaving it out of the plan makes the calculations easier and may even help them get more “sales” because you are not discouraged by the truth. And their “product” (investment) may not seem as inadequate as it may really be.Another quick way to account for the effect of inflation is to subtract the inflation rate from any rate of interest you will be receiving on an investment. So if you are going to assume a 3% inflation rate and the assumed rate of return is 11%, do the projection with only a 8% rate of return or interest.
This will give you a more accurate picture of the value (not the amount) of the investment at its maturity.Some investments such as real estate and precious metals (gold, silver, etc.) actually benefit from inflation. This may make you want to truly “diversify” your portfolio into more types of assets, not just more types of stock.Inflation does not have to be scary as long as you understand how it works and how it affects your future money values. Accounting for it in financial equations and projections can be done simply. But overlooking it or downplaying its effects can cause you to miss your financial goals by a wide margin.