Government have provided with some of the schem,es by which tax can be saved legally, plus these schemes are all the more beneficial to the individual itself.
Some of these shemes are listed below:
National Savings Certificates (NSC)
National Saving Schemes (NSC) is one of the popular Income Tax Saving schemes which is available throughout the year. It can be operated singly, jointly, or by a minor with his/her parent or guardian. There is a return on this scheme at interest rate of 8%. The minimum investment limitation of the scheme is Rs.100/- and with no upper limit. Other investments can be done in multiple of Rs. 100/-. This scheme has a maturity period of 6 years. It is transferable and also there is a provision of loan on the basis of this scheme. Under section 88 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 any person can take benefit in income tax on amount invested in this scheme and under section 80L of Income Tax Act, 1961 there is a provision of benefit on interests coming from scheme.
Public Provident Fund (PPF)
Under this scheme, there is a return at the interest rate of 8% p.a. The minimum investment limit is Rs. 500/- and maximum limitation is Rs. 70,000/-. It can be opened any time throughout the year. It can be operated either singly or jointly. In case of minor, with parent/guardian. There is also a facility of nomination in this scheme. This scheme has a maturity period of 15 years. The first loan can be taken in the third financial year from the date of opening of the account, or upto 25% of the amount at credit at the end of the first financial year. Loan amount can be returned in maximum of 36 installments. A person can withdraw an amount (not more than 50% of the balance) every year. Under Section 88 of Income Tax Act, 1961 there is a provision of tax benefit by investing in this scheme. Interest on this scheme is tax free.
Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP)
Money invested in this scheme doubles in 8 years. There is a minimum investment limitation of Rs.100/- with no upper limit. This scheme is also available throughout the year. It can be operated either singly or jointly. In case of minor, with parent/ guardian,facility for nomination is also available under this scheme. Currently there is no tax benefit on investment under this scheme.
Post Office Scheme (POS)
It is one of the best Income Tax Saving Scheme. It can be operated by either singly or jointly. There are several types of post office schemes depending upon the type of investment and maturity period. Post office schemes can be divided into following catagories:
* Monthly Deposit
* Saving Deposit
* Time Deposit
* Recurring Deposit
Special Schemes For Retiring Person
Government Employees : There is a return at the rate of 8% per annum. The minimum investment is Rs.1000/- and maximum amount equal to the total retirement benefit. Maturity period of this scheme is 3 years. According to Income Tax Act, 1961 interest on this scheme is tax free.
Public Sector Employees: Under this scheme there is a return of 9.5% payable half-yearly on 30th June and 31st December respectively. There is a minimum investment limitation of Rs.1000/- and the maximum limitation is the amount equal to total retirement benefit. It can be operated by retired PSU employees in his/her own name or with the spouse, jointly. In this scheme, there is a facility of premature encashment. Entire balance or part thereof can be withdrawn after the expiry of three years from the date of deposit. Maturity period of this scheme is 3 years. According to Income Tax Act, 1961 interest on this scheme is tax free.
Postal Life Insurance
This scheme is in operation for the last 117 years. This scheme started in 1884 as a welfare measure for the employees of Postoffices & Telegraphs Department under Government of India to the Secretary of State (having dispatch No. 299 dated 18-10-1882). But after few years, various departments of Central and State Governments were extended its benefits. Now it is open for employees of all departments of Central as well as State Government, Nationalized Banks, Public Sector Undertakings, Financial Institutions, Local Bodies like Municipalities and Zila Parisads, Educational Institutions aided by the Government. According to Income Tax Act there is also a provision of special relaxation in income tax on the basis of investment done in urban or rural areas.
According to Income Tax Act,1961 there is a provision benefit in Income Tax if assessee has an income as a dividend on investment in any of the following:
* Shares
* Mutual Funds
* Unit of UTI
This dividend can be given by any company or coperative society.
Kindly clarify following
1. FOR NSC schemes for retired PSU employees-what much % of Taxable income is reduced or tax benefits say for annual income of 5-6 lakhs slab per year for Sr citizen
2. For special scheme-Public sector employees -how much tax benefit comes for sat 5-6 lakh annual income holders for Sr citizen , where it is done (Lock in period -3 years & interst rate-9.5% & interst are rax free)
Kindly reply me immediately
GS Khuntia, Bhubaneswar, 22/3/12