Ever wondered how you can buy stocks even before its gone public?Did you know there is a little known technique that will allow you to buy stock before it goes public?
Many people dream of buying stock in a company before it goes public but few have the amount of assets to buy them.
Before many of the current public banks became public they were mutual saving banks or savings and loan banks. Any depositor of a mutual saving bank, thrift or savings and loan is considered part owner since they are privately owned however when these banks are bought out by larger banks or apply to become a public bank they have to give the current depositor first rights to their stock before it goes to IPO stage. They usually cap the amount of shares you may buy to a few thousand but you can double, triple or get even greater returns after it goes public or IPO’s.
Most investors have little knowledge of this loop hole since there are so few thrifts left and it is not common knowledge however you can always find a few within a 100 mile radius of a metropolitian area. Open up a savings or checking account at these banks and wait until it goes public to make your money.