Almost every LO that sells it, approaches the Pay Option Arm loan (or concept) as the part of the mortgage that gives meaning, they emphasize it as the pinnacle of the transaction. In reality, the most important part is the borrower. I’ve recently got this comment: I just can’t seem to get people to understand the power of the Pay Option Arm loan. It’s like the borrowers … [Read more...]
What Is Active Trading?
Trading refers to the practice of buying and selling financial instruments within the same trading day such that all positions are usually closed before the market close for the trading day. Traders that participate in day trading are called active traders or day traders. Some of the more commonly day-traded financial instruments are stocks, stock options, currencies, and a … [Read more...]
How To Avoid Foreclosure ?
What is a Foreclosure? Foreclosure is the legal and professional proceeding in which a mortgagee, or other lien holder, usually a lender, obtains a court ordered termination of a mortgagor's equitable right of redemption. Usually a lender obtains a security interest from a borrower who mortgages or pledges an asset like a house to secure the loan. If the borrower defaults and … [Read more...]
Secrets of Successful HYIP Investment.
A high-yield investment program (HYIP) is a type of Ponzi scheme, which is an investment scam that promises an unsustainably high return on investment by paying previous investors with the money invested by newcomers.As successful HYIP investor you should know golden rules of sure investing. These rules are very significant and I want you to know them at your finger tips … [Read more...]
What Is Equity Sharing?
Equity sharing, also known as shared ownership or in the US as housing equity partnership (HEP), allows a person to purchase a share in their home even if they cannot afford a mortgage on the whole of the current value. Equity sharing is a way to help people buy a house while making a good profit for yourself. Here is an example of how it works. With equity sharing, you get to … [Read more...]